For convenient design work and Procurement

Our 24/7, 365-day global marketplace for 3D furniture files facilitates seamless connections between home product manufacturers and the home industry. By utilizing our platform, we aim to assist you in fostering loyalty, securing additional projects, and making informed decisions to enhance your overall success.

Publish & Showcase Your Home Products to the World

Reach a global audience of Designers and gain maximum exposure for your home products by publishing them on Dezign District, the platform that connects you with designers and customers worldwide.

How it Works
How Dezign District Works

Influence and Connect with Designers

Amplify your reach and make a lasting impact on designers by showcasing your home products on Dezign District, the platform that connects you with a vibrant community of creative professionals

Ready to Join ?

Dezign District is a complimentary service for design companies and professionals.
Set up your profile today.